Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forum in Kennebunkport

I met with Maine Republican supporters at the Nonantum Resort for lunch today. It's a marvelous place, you should check it out when you're looking into staying in Kennebunkport.

We discussed party strategy. People have been bothering my staffers wanting to know what we're going to do about the "health care crisis", and the state Senators and Reps are starting to get worried because their constituents seem to want the government to interfere with the free market and take over health care. Or something, I'm not sure. I don't care what they want. We need to find a way to make them forget about this. You didn't think we had plans to change the system, did you? It's working so well, except for that little problem with cost. Don't worry about that, the Republicans and the health insurance industry will fix that when it comes up again, in 17 years, just like the last time.

I was a little surprised to see protesters across the streets carrying signs and chanting. I didn't tell them about it. They weren't invited. I'm sure they wouldn't have the money to stay at a luxury resort like the Nonantum. They should probably get a job, or two or three if they want health care, and stop slacking and claiming that health care is a human right.

I was so surprised to see them there, that I smiled and almost waved.

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